“Plant a Camellia Tree Sow the Seed of Love”

The Assembly Call for ShanCha Volunteers


Awakening people’s awareness to protect the legend of the millenniums — camellia trees,
to help camellia resources sustain and continuously benefit the world;
Follow the camellia protection zone in Xin County,
contribute to the booming camellia enterprise to encourage migrate workers to return to their homelands,
to end left-behind children’s long and lonely wait for their parents!

We will select 5 people from a lucky draw to act as the “ShanCha Volunteer” from the participants of this event all over the world. The winners will enjoy the following privileges:

1.Two winners will be invited to attend the annual large social event and monthly VIP member salon held at the headquarters of ShanCha Inc. in Manhattan, New York, United States (once a year).

2.Three winners will be invited to attend the “Camellia Wellness Ecotour” to China held in late October of 2017, and have a chance to visit the camellia base, to experience the camellia culture, and to lend the farmers a helping hand in person.

3.Every participant successfully completes the online task in the event “Plant a Camellia Tree Sow the Seed of Love” (water five times for camellia trees to bloom and bear fruit) will receive a 50ml camellia oil boutique from ShanCha Inc. by mail.

4. ShanCha Inc. reserves the right of the final decision on the interpretation of these benefits.

Numbers of Participants


How to participate

Please go to the event page on the official website of ShanCha Inc. leave your name and valid email address, water the camellia tree five times (which symbols the growing cycle of camellia, one time per day at the maximum). You will now have a chance to become a ShanCha Volunteer.

Learn About Camellia Oleifera

Camellia oleifera is one of the four important woody oil plants in the world, as well as a natural source for high-grade oil unique to China. Camellia oleifera, is a genus of broadleaf evergreen small tree. It is mainly distributed in the foothills of the central and southern provinces of China. The annual yield of camellia seeds of the whole country is only about 200,000 tons, therefore it is very precious.

* Besides online participation of the event, you can also contact us to claim wild camellia trees in Xin County,

to contribute your share of effort for the protection of camellia resource and eco-environment,

to benefit locals and to an extent, people all over the world.


