Modern medicine and food science ascertain that camellia oil is rich in multiple components that are beneficial to human health including fatty acids (unsaturated fatty acids which account for more than 90%), camellia saponins, polyphenols and tannins. It is also rich in antioxidants, squalene, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, flavonoids, vitamins, amino acids and minerals; especially zinc, which physicians and nutritionists recommend in high levels. Camellia oil also does not contain Erucic acid (prone to cause rancidity), cholesterol, aflatoxin and any other undesirable substances.
Monounsaturated fatty acid (Oleic acid) can reduce the saturated fatty acids and bad cholesterol in the human body; so the intake amount of monounsaturated fatty acid is not limited. In camellia oil, the monounsaturated fatty acid level is higher than 80 %, which makes it more than olive oil, ranking the highest in all edible oils.
Linoleic acid and linolenic acid are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids that must be supplied by food intake as they are necessary for the human body but cannot be produced by it. However, they are easily oxidized to form peroxidation lipid and accumulate in the vessel wall, causing cell and tissue damage, creating unhealthy conditions that lead to disease. The best intake ratio of linolenic acid and linoleic acid to other essential fatty acids is 1 to 4; the linoleic acid-linolenic acid proportion in camellia oil matches this figure perfectly.
Camellia oil contains polyphenols and glycosides which olive oil does not contain. These active substances can be effective against cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol and can lower the blood sugar level. They also have significant effects on suppressing elevated triglycerides and can also inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
The molecular structure of camellia oil is smaller than olive oil, which makes it taste smoother and less greasy when used in food. It is easily absorbed into the skin when used for skin care.
Camellia oil’s nutritional value and health benefits cannot be replaced by other oils.